


Editors: Gillian Kidman (Monash University) and Chew Hung Chang(National Institute of Education); Managed by Ms Donna Bennett; Published by Taylor & Francis; Sponsored by the Commission on Geographical Education, International Geographical Union; ISSN: 1038-2046

IRGEE is published four times a year and serves four major purposes:

  • to promote an expanded international interest in research in geographical and environmental education;
  • to provide a forum for the critique of research studies and the discussion of relevant research issues in geographical and environmental education;
  • to encourage the international dissemination of research in geographical and environmental education; and
  • to demonstrate the relevance of research studies to good professional practice in geographical and environmental education.

All papers are anonymously peer-reviewed by a minimum of two (and usually three ) experts. IRGEE reviews and accepts manuscripts related to curriculum studies; education; environmental education; geographical education; higher education; science, mathematics and environment issues; secondary & adolescent studies; social studies & social sciences; and teacher education.

IRGEE currently has a 21-30 percent acceptance rate and a two-three month review process.

See Instructions for Authors for details on the submission process (by email only); style (APA); and other requirements for authors.