
Upcoming conferences

IGU – CGE Conference: Stellenbosch, South Africa, 28 – 31 October 2025


Theme: Geographical Learning Today for Tomorrow

We invite geography educators to submit abstracts of an academic paper or poster presentation for the 2025 Commission of Geographical Education of the International Geographical Union’s Conference to be held in Stellenbosch at the heart of the Winelands of South Africa. The conference theme, ‘Geographical Learning Today for Tomorrow,’ seeks to foster dialogue and collaboration across diverse geographical contexts, highlighting locally responsive but globally relevant transformative pedagogies, technology integration, and curriculum innovation that address the challenges of our contemporary world from a geographical perspective.  We encourage submissions that explore comparative studies, innovative pedagogies, and sustainable practices at all levels of education, including early childhood education, primary, secondary, and tertiary education, as well as teacher education. We invite contributions that may result in transformative geographical and environmental education that help young people, teachers, and teacher educators better understand their roles and responsibilities as citizens of a world characterised by rapid change, risk and vulnerability.

Abstracts should be no more than 300 words and clearly outline the proposed presentation’s objectives, methods, and anticipated outcomes. Submissions should be made online on or before 31st of March 2025 at Contributors will be informed of the outcome of the peer review process on 18th April 2025.

Past conferences

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