2007 Declaration

International Declaration on Geographic Education for Sustainable Development

This document includes the comments and remarks that were forwarded to the authors during a consensus building period. It was adopted with modifications on July 31, 2007. The version available here has been published in the proceedings of the symposium held in Lucerne in July 2007:

S. Reinfried, Y. Schleicher, A. Rempfler (Editors): Geographical Views On Education for Sustainable Development. Proceedings of the Lucerne-Symposium, Switzerland, July 29-31, 2007. Geographiedidaktische Forschungen, Volume 42, 2007.
The book is out of print but the fulltext is available online:

2007 Declaration Fulltext – English (pdf).


You can also download the declaration in other languages:

LanguageTranslation by
ArabicZouhaier Hlaoui
Chinese (simplified)Ivy Tan Geok Chin
Chinese (traditional)Che-Ming Chen, Yao-Hui Wang
FrenchAnne-Marie d’Hausteseme
ItalianAlessia De Nardi, Margherita Bussi
JapaneseKoji Ohnishi
KoreanJongwon Lee
MongolianBatchuluun Yembuu
PortugueseIsmar de Borges Lima
RussianVladimir Gorbanyov
SpanishMargarita Schmidt, Josefina Ostuni
TurkishSalih Sahin, Servet Karabag, & Mustafa Ozturk